Sau sa aleg chiar un D3100 body (D5100 inca nu exista) si sa imi iau un obiectiv meserias gen 18-105 separat?
Image quality is definitely the D5100's trump card. It offers effectively the same image quality as the higher-end D7000, at a lower cost, and it's hard to argue that this is not a good thing. Since we're comparing the D5100 to the D7000, it is also worth noting that of the thousands of frames that we've shot with the D5100, we haven't seen the same overexposure problem that bothered us with the D7000 in some conditions - dar nu-i bai, Nikon tocmai a lansat update pentru D7000, al doilea și lucrează la altul, poate o nimeresc până la urmă.
At low ISO settings, the D5100 is on a par with the best of the competition, but at the higher ISO settings, it produces some of the best image quality that we've ever seen from an APS-C camera - evident, același senzor de pe D7000, care i-a încântat pe mulți prin performanța în lumină slabă. Noise levels are impressively low, and default noise reduction does a good job of controlling chroma noise while still preserving detail. The D5100's 16MP sensor is one of a new generation with an impressively low noise floor, and as such, a huge amount can be drawn out of both its JPEG and RAW files. JPEG shooters will love the ability to shoot with Active D-Lighting turned on with little penalty in noise levels (or continuous shooting performance) and more advanced users will enjoy the malleability of its NEF files.
the1 wrote:Mersi. Dar, tot se impune o discutie live!
Cat costa Nikkor 105mm VR micro si cu care dintre aparate e compatibil? La fel si 16-85. Tu ce ai?
Deci, garantia din US e valabila si in ro.
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